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Prepared, connected,
& mobilized

for faithful ministry

A practical training program and networking group for aspiring and new pastors in North Carolina


starting out in ministry can be

Isolating, confusing, & frustrating 

But that's not the way it's supposed to be.



Residency Project NC exists to PREPARE, CONNECT, and MOBILIZE new and aspiring pastors in North Carolina. We help equip revitalizers, church planters, young elders, pastors in the first five years of ministry and men aspiring to serve the local church through pastoral ministry. 

Learn from seasoned ministry leaders


Gain deeper understanding of your region

Get connected to local resources

Cultivate relationships with other rising pastors

Develop practical ministry strategies

join residency Project NC

Residency Project
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how the residency project NC works

The Residency Project is an equipping program and networking group designed to set-up new and aspiring pastors to be capably mobilized in their ministries to all corners of the state. 


There are three main parts to the Residency Project: Cohort Gatherings, Pastoral Coaching, and Local Church Leadership Development.


Cohort gatherings

Each month cohorts across the state gather in-person for a time of equipping and fellowship. These meetings are hosted by different churches during gatherings residents get the opportunity to learn from seasoned pastors and ministry leaders, ask questions and engage in ministry conversations.


Pastoral coaching

In addition to monthly cohort gatherings residents are connected with a pastoral coach who will work with the resident to help him apply what he is learning from the cohort gatherings. These mentorship style relationships will also provide the resident the opportunity to ask questions, to learn from and be encouraged by a man older in the ministry.


local church leadership development

The third strand of the Residency Project NC model requires that residents be actively involved with discipleship and leadership development training at the local church level. Our leadership team will work with residents to help ensure that there are healthy and intentional models for ongoing discipleship and leadership development at their local church.


we want to see you

 in ministry

Residency Project NC is overseen and organized by localized directional teams which are made up of seasoned pastors and ministry leaders who have years of experience faithfully serving the local church.


We know that many new pastors feel ill-equipped and lack relationships as they begin in ministry, because we were once in your shoes. Drawing on our own years of experience, we've designed practical and applicable pastoral equipping to help you navigate the early days of pastoring.


We care about you and want to see you become an effective pastor of your individual local church for the sake of the gospel advance across the state. 

How it works

You can also TAKE THE RP for SEBTS Credit

It's easy to join the residency project NC




FIND the location closest to you.

REGISTER to join the Residency Project. 

Get PREPARED, CONNECTED and MOBILIZED for faithful ministry. 


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